New Features
Work started to provide a FAQ. There is currently only one topic: How one should submit a
bug report
Bug fixes
Newlines after case statements were not printed (as always: only with Sun brace style)
Reported by Sebastian Eigner
In certain cases the indentation after printing assignments was not correct. Reported by
Grzegorz Pilarczyk
Array types were not correctly printed when they contained more complicated expressions.
Reported by Benni Mas
The settings format was not correctly updated from 1.0b7 to 1.0b8. Reported by
Marc Gerstmair
Code conventions were exported with platform specific encodings which could easily cause
harm. Additionally no XML declaration was printed. Now UTF-8 is used
and the declaration printed. Reported by Tim Moore
The wrapper scripts only worked when the full pathname to the script-files were used.
Reported and fixed by Kees Kuip
Blank lines before blocks without associated block statements
(I call them freestanding blocks) were not printed
Additional semicolon(s) after the last import statement caused the blank lines logic to
fail, no blank lines were printed for such a (rare) case
JBuilder Plug-in: the Plug-in now displays an error message if no compatible log4j version
could be found in the classpath and shows a workaround for the problem
New Features
All aforementioned features were requested, sponsored and thoroughly tested by the German
Techniker Krankenkasse. Hurray!
The sources have been internationalized. If you're willing to provide translations of the
used message bundles, please contact me
Jalopy now contains a simple Code Inspector that is able to inspect your sources for
naming convention violations and possible code weaknesses. See the
Code Inspector chapter in the manual
New history methods that uses checksums to better handle change detection for files.
See History section. Very cool feature
contributed by Michael Callum
Javadoc tag checking for @throws tags can now be enabled
separately. See Correct @throws tags
Array type brackets may now be printed after the identifier.
See Misc section.
Requested by John Zukowski
You can now specify whether Jalopy should insert a trailing empty line at the
end of files in order to avoid problems with certain text formatters and processors.
See Misc section. Note that
Jalopy always inserts a trailing newline after EOF-comments (like footers).
Requested by David Karr
The order of import statement groups is now user configurable. See Import section.
Requested by Jürgen Ebert
The Format menu item now appears in the context menu of the Content
Pane too
Auto-correction for Javadoc @throws tags can now be
controlled separately. See Correct @throws tags for insight
NetBeans Plug-in: the Format action is now available for Servlet nodes too
JBuilder Plug-in: the Format item it now available in the context menu of content tab pane too
JBuilder Plug-in: Breakpoints and Bookmarks are restored after formatting
JDeveloper Plug-in: the Plug-in has been completely rewritten. Formatting works for
workspaces too, the message output is displayed in a nice tree view. And the whole thing
is now compatible with JDeveloper 9.0.3
The core engine is now able to track positions. The IDE Plug-ins are therefore now able
to restore the mouse pointer correctly (it will be positioned before the line with the
node that was nearest to the last caret position)
Bug fixes
The cleanup of the backup directory could lead to NPE. Reported by Mike Dubman
The output of array initializers has been improved. Reported by Kate Rhodes
Important statements collapsing failed because of incompatible parsetree changes between 1.0b7 and 1.0b8. Reported by Mark Ralph
Handling of Javadoc comments failed for methods/ctors returning an array type. Reported by Magnus Ihse
The problem with wrong indentation after assignments has gone. Reported by Timo Carl
- Treat different option has been corrected to work with all styles. Reported by Eric Lamontagne
I've fixed some cases where Jalopy produced trailing whitespace on wrapping lines. There may still be others...
Reported by Ralf Wiebicke
The Javadoc printer failed to output HTML definition lists correctly. Reportey by
David Cooper
The Javadoc printer failed to output HTML defintion lists correcty. Reportey by
David Cooper
Array initializers inside statements were not printed correctly. Reported by
Dirk Hoffmann
Variable macros did (as documented) not work for names like user.name. Reported by
Don Johnson
Empty lines in multi-line comments produced trailing whitespace.
Reported by Ralf Wiebicke
Javadoc trailing comments were ignored. Jalopy will now (again) treat such cases as errors.
Reported by Ralf Wiebicke
Jalopy duplicated comments in some rare cases. Reported by David Cooper
The console app failed to work on certain platforms due to classloading problems.
Reported by Benjamin Geer
No blank lines were kept for synchronized blocks. Reported by Kees Kuip
Variable interpolation did not work in header or footers. Reported by Daniel Frey
Jalopy lost trailing comments in certain cases. Reported by Shankar Unni, Steve Corwin, Ray Powell
Jalopy failed to handle empty Javadoc Standard tags. Reported by Henrik Kjær and Don Johnson
JBuilder Plug-in: the Plug-in is now compatible with JBuilder 7.0. Reported by Simeon Zverinski
The example Ant task in the manual contained a syntax error.
Reported by Eric Larson
With generating Javadoc comments enabled, existing
variable/method/class-level comments were dropped if not in Javadoc style.
Reported by John Zukowski
Auto-insertion of braces for braceless if-else blocks did not work as expected
(for Sun brace style). Reported by John Zukowski
@throws tags were wrongly inserted in some cases. Reported by Jarek Sacha
Printing of empty class/interface bodies failed, if cuddling of braces was
enabled. Reported by Richard Tasker and Benjamin Geer
@version tags were wrapped if max. line length exceeded, and therefore failed to
be updated by CVS when checked in. Reported by Johnny Cass
Jalopy used to insert two many blank lines before certain statements. Reported by Kees Kuip
- jalopy.sh and preferences.sh failed
to work (under some unix flavors) because of wrong end-of-line characters.
Actually a build/CVS problem. Reported and fixed by Kees Kuip
Eclipse Plug-in: upon startup of the IDE org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: invalid thread access
was thrown. Reportedy by Dirk Jacobs
Backup files were always kept if the output target was not a file
jEdit Plug-in: the Format current Buffer menu item was grayed out
upon start-up if the buffer contained a non-Java file
Console Plug-in: specifying several regular expression patterns did not work.
Reported by Sameer Singh
The .XML settings format has been revised. It should now be somewhat cleaner. These
changes are transparent, the old settings format can be imported but only the new format
will be exportet. Those who use the .XML format should re-export their settings to avoid
the auto-transformation (and of course, there are many new switches)
The /bin directory of the distributions have been renamed to
/lib. For the Console and Ant Plug-ins the /bin
now only contains the wrapper scripts and the libaries moved to /lib.
Eclipse Plug-in: the Format label in the project view context menu
no longer appears at the end. Suggested by Davor Cengija and Vincent Massol
JBuilder Plug-in: the Format item in the project view context menu
is now more context sensitive. It won't pop up for non-Java files. Additionally, when
formatting the whole Project a confirmation message box appears
The @todo tag is now part of the build-in tag list
The Tab support has been rewritten. If tabs are enabled, *all* whitespace will
be realized with tabs (not only leading whitespace as with the former
Denis N. Antonioli contributed several patches for the Javadoc parser:
The parser is now able to handle left curly braces that are not part of
an In-line tag
Attributes must not be quoted and numeric attributes may also start with %
The closing tags for <dd>, <dl>, <dir> are now optional
Thank you!
Parameter alignment of method or constructor declarations now works regardless
of the indentation settings (it did not work with custom indentation in
earlier versions)
The preview frame no longer uses the (unmaintained) jEdit Public Domain text area but
rather a standard JEditorPane with a highlighter dereived from
the BlueJ project (and that highlighter is
again build upon the jEdit Public Domain syntax package). Users of prior betas may
savely remove the file textarea-2.2.3.jar from their disks
New Features
Thanks to Frank Klomp from
a Plug-in for Oracle JDeveloper 9i is now available.
See Plug-in section
Jalopy now comes with a simple project manager to make switching between
several code conventions easier.
See Project section
ConsolePlugin: new option --force
The line wrapping for chained method calls now works for nested calls too
The settings dialog now comes with a live preview. Requested by Erik Dick
Similar to Jindent, Jalopy is now able to perform variable interpolation for
the header or footer and Javadoc comment templates.
See Environment variables section.
Requested by Erik Dick
Similar to Jindent, you can now define custom Javadoc templates for
fields, classes/interfaces, constructor and method comments. See
Javadoc Templates section
The sorting order for the Java modifiers is now configurable. See
Sorting section
The texts for separator comments are now user configurable. See
Separation section.
Requested by Dirk Jacobs
The grouping of import statements can now be disabled. See
Imports section.
Requested by Emil A. Lefkof
Lowercase "l" as trailing character for literal
longs will be automatically capitalized during printing
The abstract modifier will be automatically removed if found
for interface or interface method declarations (as these are implicitly
You can now specify whether Java sources should be parsed as JDK 1.4 compatible
(the default) or if sources should be parsed without treating
assert as a reserved keyword (i.e. JDK 1.3 compatible).
See the General section.
This change addresses bugs
#565512 and
The header detection now provides a Smart Mode for users
who want to use singe-line comments for headers. If enabled, Jalopy treats the
first n number of singe-line comments before the first
node as part of a header and removes them.
See the Header section
The element sorting changed: Added was a new category
Static variables/initializers
to avoid touching the class initialization as required by the Java language
specification ("static initializers and class variable initializers are
executed in textual order"). This partially addresses the feature request
#545603 also.
Reported by Kirk Wolf
The import optimization feature is now available for the Ant Plug-in too. See
the Ant Plug-in chapter
Setting for Space before Brackets didn't take effect
Setting for Space Before Brackets in Types didn't take
effect for something like new String[0]
jEdit Plug-in: The integration with the Gobal Options dialog doesn't suffer
from the resizing problems anymore
jEdit Plug-in: Jalopy directed all formatting messages always to the first view
Read-only files don't cause exceptions anymore. Jalopy will now display a
warning message. Reported by Andrew Barkley
Enclosed creator constructs could lead to uncompilable code. Reported by
Eddy Kivits
- do-while blocks without enclosing braces where not treated correctly.
Reported by Marcel Toele
The Javadoc printer missed a blank between the @link tag and
following HTML links. Reportedy by Brian Harriger
EOL characters were not correctly translated for multi-line, special and
Javadoc comments. Reportedy by Olivier Mengué
Enabling the cuddling of empty braces lead to compilation errors if an
trailing comment appeared before the opening brace. The cuddling is now disabled
for such a (rare) case. Reported by Kees Kuip
NPE during import that only appeared with certain JDKs. Reportedy by Davor Cengija
The insertion of Javadoc comments did not work for classes/interfaces and
fields (it was not implemented). Reported by Thomas Börkel
After importing settings from a distributed location, Jalopy did not use
these settings if the host was unavailable on successive invocations (but
rather the build-in defaults); now the imported settings are used and a
warning message issued. Reported by Thomas Börkel
The Java Language Specification requires every single-line comment to be
terminated by an end-of-line sequence, but Jalopy allowed a single-line-comment
to be terminated by an end-of-file. Reported by Thomas Börkel
Ant 1.4.1 (or earlier) caused problems because of an incompatibility with the
bundled AElfred parser. Therefore the parser (and all other 3rd party libraries)
are no longer bundled to enable you to selectively copy the needed libs into
the Ant /lib folder. Documentation was updated to explain
the issue. Reported by Larry Hamel et.al.
The Java parser failed for (strange) code like
if (obj.getClass() == (byte.class)). Reported by Hui Lin
- try/catch blocks were not correctly
formatted (again only with Sun brace style). Reported by Emil A. Lefkof
Chained method calls were wrongly wrapped if part of an expression. Reported by Emil A. Lefkof
Fixed some bugs regarding (evil) Sun brace styling. Reported by
Emil A. Lefkof, Thomas Börkel, Larry Hamel and Christian Halstrick, Anders Johansson
The settings format was not correctly updated between 1.0b6 and 1.0b7
causing an IllegalArgumentException if the history
feature was disabled. Reported by Martin Spiller
As the comment preserving/printing implementation has been rewritten, trailing
comment support should now work in nearly all cases. At least all reported
issues are now treated correctly. Reported by Stephane Houle, Emil A. Lefkof,
Kees Kuip, John Wilson
The user selected brace style did not take effect for anonymous inner classes.
Reported by Ian Brown
Fixed a minor GUI bug in the Javadoc panel (column headers did not show up
using Windows L&F). Reported by Thomas Sauzedde
JBuilder Plug-in: it now checks whether the classpath is correctly set up
(whether all defined libraries exist) and if something seems to be broken,
the import optimization feature is enabled to avoid errors (a dialog appears to
inform you about the misconfiguration)
JBuilder Plug-in: the menu item now
appears in the Options group of the
jEdit Plug-in: the Plug-in does not use ErrorList anymore, but rather relies
on the MessageView Plug-in which is bundled with the distribution (as it is not
yet available through the jEdit Plugin Central)
The sorting logic for variable declarations now compares by access modifiers first,
then (new!) type name and only if these two are equal by name (identifier)
The Javadoc printer now inserts a newline after every found <br> tag
(only happens if Javadoc parsing is enabled). This addresses the "Bug"
reported by Tony Falabella (that was no bug but rather the behaviour I found
The default setting for the backup level changed, it is now set to "0"
(no backups are kept)
The settings dialog is no longer a modal dialog (necessary for the live preview)
Started from the command line, the settings dialog now appears in the task
bar (under Win32). Suggested by Knut Wannheden
The bundled ANTLR runtime has been repackaged to avoid versioning problems
Apart from the ANTLR runtime, the binary distributions no longer bundle the
needed 3rd party libraries. Thus the installation procedure for some Plug-ins
requires more care: you have to manually remove outdated 3rd party libraries
before you copy the .jars provided with Jalopy into the
Plug-in/module folder of your application (Applies to Ant, Console, JBuilder
and jEdit, if done manually)
Some shipped 3rd party jars we're updated: log4j to 1.2.6, Oro to 2.0.6,
JAXP to 1.2.
New Features
The wrapping behaviour for throws clauses is now more configurable. See
Wrapping section.
Requested by Stephane Houle
Indentation for extends, implements
and throws can now be specified explicitly. See
Indentation section
Chained method calls are now wrapped (if line wrapping is enabled, of course).
You can either force wrapping after every call
(Refer to the Wrapping section)
or let wrapping happen automatically. Requested by Stephane Houle
Sometimes stdin was not formatted. Reported and fixed by Kees Kuip
1.0b6 failed to work with JDK 1.3.0 due to a bug in the handling of the index
list .jar entry. Ant 1.5beta1 named it "INDEX.LIST" but this JDK expects "Index.list"
which in turn lead to classloading problems.
Reported by Steve Bromley
and Joel Alaux
Console Plug-in: Parsing a non-valid Java file with stdin always resulted in an
exitcode "0". It now returns "1" in such cases. Reported by Kees Kuip
The file history failed to work (because of an initialization error)
The wrapper scripts for the Console Plug-in failed to work (I forgot to rename
the startup class that has changed in 1.0b6). Reported by Ronen Rotstain
The JBuilder Plug-in is now compatible with jVI. Reported by Rich Kadel
Javadoc tags were (intensionally) only printed if the Javadoc comment belonged to a class/interface or
method/ctor declaration. Reported by Tony Falabella
Specifying a relative file as input source could lead to a file loss in case
of RuntimeExceptions during the processing and a backup level of "0".
Reported by Kees Kuip
The NetBeans module failed to function properly due to a wrong Manifest .jar entry. Reported by Nico Max and Davide Baroncelli
If Space around Shift operators was disabled, Jalopy failed to
add whitespace around the instanceof operator. Reported by Roger Kemp
Fixed a small but annoying bug regarding the alignment of assignments. Reported by GilloS
The detection logic for debug logging calls has been slightly improved. Calls like
Configuration.debug() won't be treated as logging calls anymore
The custom Javadoc tag definitions are not stored in distinct files anymore but
rather go into the settings file (to make it portable across system bounderies)
The Ant task attribute handling changed: if you omit any optional attribute now the
corresponding settings settings will be used for *all* attributes
New Features
Thanks to Roman Sarychev, Jalopy now provides the ability to import/export
settings in an .XML format
Jalopy is now able to keep original blank lines. See Separation section for details
Modifiers of declarations can now be sorted. See Sort section for details
You can now enable the auto-insertion of an enclosing conditional for logging calls. See Misc section for details. Requested by Larry Hamel
Parameters of method definitions can now be aligned. See Indentation section. Requested by Gary Bentley
The default grouping depth is now user configurable. See Imports section. Requested by Larry Hamel
Added new options (before and after curly braces, blocks...) to customize the blank lines behaviour. See Separation section
You can now print a blank between array type and initializer. Requested by David Weitzman
Jalopy is now able to load its settings from an Internet address. Refer to the
General section of the manual. Cool feature requested by Sven van't Veer
You can now use stdin/stdout redirection from the command line. If no input
file(s) are specified, Jalopy will start listening on stdin. Note that the
command line interface is now only available via the Console Plug-in! See
Examples section
For array initializers you can now force a specfic number of elements to be
printed on each line or whether all elements should be printed on one line.
See Wrapping section
Eclipse Plug-in: the Packages view context menu now contains a formatting menu item
Eclipse Plug-in: Fixed a bug in the shutdown hook. Only occurred if one had not
formatted several files at once during a session. Reported by Eric Vickery
Multi-line comments were not printed correctly if parsing of multi-line comments was
disabled and the individual lines not starting with a leading asterix. Reported by Tony Falabella
Javadoc generation failed if Parse/Format tags was disabled. Reported by Gary Bentley
Serial version UID check box didn't save. Reported by Kevin Duffey
Formatting an opened file with one of the Plug-ins did not create a backup file. Reported by Warren Nicholls
Custom Javadoc tag definitions are now loaded correctly and thus working. Reported by Arnd Empting
Fixed an trailing comment bug for the Sun brace styling. Reported by Martin Spiller
Eclipse Plug-in: After formatting the active editor, the IBeam cursor was not
restored but rather the default cursor showed up
Line wrapping for while and do-while expression parts now working (I forgot the markers)
Fixed a blank lines issue for singe-line comments (printed one extra behind
left curly braces, this is now user configurable)
Fixed another blank lines issue for the Sun brace style (missed one blank
line between blocks. Reported by Bradley Smith
EOF comments weren't always treated correctly (in case of singe-line comments). Reported by Ian Brown
jEdit Plug-in: Updated to work with 4.0 final. It now won't work with any prior release
NetBeans Plug-in: fixed a build problem causing the .nbm
file to be missing in the distro archive. Reported by Brian Ewins
Fixed a minor bug in the JavadocPrinter regarding the printing of lists
Footers were always removed no matter whether enabled or disabled
Left curly brace for array initialization expression now regards the selected brace style
The license terms have changed. The core runtime and most of the Plug-ins are now
released under the BSD license.
Due to license restrictions of a 3rd party library,
the command line interface has been removed from *ALL*
distributions and a new Plug-in was created: the Console Plug-in.
JBuilder Plug-in: switching project does not bring up a blocking progress dialog
anymore. The class repository is loaded in a background thread
All file dialogs are not opened directly anymore but are accessible via an
intermediate component that provides a history
Eclipse Plug-in: Updated the plugin.xml to work with the
latest stable build (20020416). This change only regards the menu item to
invoke the Jalopy settings dialog; this item now appears under the 'Window'
menu as the 'Workbench' menu has been gone
The Javadoc parser now recognizes <br/> as a valid HTML tag
The Javadoc parser now checks whether any custom tag definition was added/removed
since the last run and therefore needs reloading
Specifying an empty string input via Jalopy#setInput(String, String) no longer
throws IllegalArgumentException, instead the input is
handled like an up-to-date file
- Load... and Save... buttons on the
General settings page has been renamed
to Import... and Export...
Changed the comment handling of labeled statements: if the following loop had
comments before, these were printed before the labeled statement, now they will
be printed before the loop statement
The build scripts has been updated to use Ant 1.5beta1 features. Prior Ant
releases won't work anymore
Updated the bundled log4j distribution to 1.2.1. Adopted the new naming scheme
and renamed all Category and Priority
instances. Note that 1.2 is *no* drop-in replacement (no matter what the log4j docu says)
as they renamed a public (sic!) field I have to use
jEdit Plug-in: The menu item to display the Jalopy settings dialog can now
be added to the context menu
New Features
- AbstractPlugin.java now comes with multi-processor
support, so all IDE Plug-ins should operate faster on multi-processor machines.
Refer to the Misc section of the
Ant Plug-in: Added multi-processor support, new parameter threads to specify
the number of threads to use
Declaration and assignments aligning now available. Refer to the
Indentation section of the
Separation (blank lines) behaviour now configurable. Refer to the
Separation section of the manual
Added Eclipse Plug-in (needs Eclipse 2.0)
Jalopy now supports the common convention of using a single @see tag
instead of all the other tags and won't insert any missing Javadoc tags in such
cases. Same applies if the inline tag {@inheritDoc} is found in the description
Work started to provide an extended index for the user manual.
Javadoc add/remove didn't work for @return tag
The editable combo boxes (NumberComboBoxEditor.java)
caused exceptions on losing focus
Javadoc now also generated for methods/ctors without params.
Ant Plug-in: Changed the configuration of the message output. It is
now controlled by a single parameter loglevel. This may
force you to update your build scripts. Refer to the
Ant section
of the manual to read about the list of valid parameters
The source base has been split into different modules (to make CVS happy and
life easier) and the build system has changed accordingly
The website and all documentation is now auto-generated out of .XML files
(using the Ant style task and DocBook XSL 1.50.0/Saxon 6.5.1)
The entries of the history viewer are now sorted
The web site has a new look
New Features
Jalopy now provides some decent user documentation. Many thanks to Larry
Hamel for the proof-reading
The line wrapping logic is now fully implemented
New line wrapping option: You can now force the wrapping for parameter
lists of method calls. Note that this switch only applies to those lists
that contain another method call. Refer to the
Wrap always section of the manual.
Nice feature suggested by David Beutel
Continuation indentation is now available for ternary if-else epressions
too. Refer to the
Indentation section of the manual
New option: You can now specify whether you want indentation realized
with tabs instead of spaces. Refer to the
Indentation section of the manual.
This feature was kindly donated by David Beutel
The history feature is now more user configurable. You can specifiy
whether you want to have it enabled at all and what policy you want to
use. Choose between the comment based history (which inserts a small
header on top of every file) or a file-driven history. Refer to the
Indentation section of the manual.
The history feature is now *disabled* by default
Added two new wrapping options: Before extends keyword and
Before implements keyword. Enabling any of them will force
a newline before the given keyword. Refer to the
Wrap always section of the manual.
Requested by John Bishop
New option to control the printing of labels. You can now specify whether
a line break should be printed after labels or not. Refer to the
Wrap always section of the manual
Small bugfix regarding trailing comments and array initialization
Line wrapping for parameter lists was always performed, no matter what
preference setting given
For ternary if-else statements, parentheses was always inserted for the
expression part if Insert parentheses around expressions was enabled.
Now parentheses are only inserted if actually needed
- Indent labels option didn't show up on the indentation settings page
The Javadoc auto-generation facility no longer inserts @throws tags for throws
clauses that are catched in the method body
Settings pages Braces and Block style
now merged into one page Braces with two tabs
Style and Misc
- Cancel button of the Progress monitor dialog renamed to
Stop to reflect the fact that some files might have changed
Settings page Javadoc cleaned up
Specifying an identify key to delete existing headers/footers is now
New Features
New option: You can now specify whether you want to retain first column
comments vs. indenting them relative to their position in the code. Refer to the
Indentation section of the manual
New option: You can now use different brace styles for class/method
blocks and other types of blocks (for Sun, GNU and Custom style)
The Javadoc parser rework lead to an error with the Javadoc @throws tags
verification. This has been fixed now (Actually only a build problem)
If Space before Case colon was enabled, no space was printed for
the default keyword
The comment creation only worked if the comment parsing and tag checking
was enabled too
Formatting a non-file input produced wrong updates of the history header
The line-wrapping logic changed/improved somewhat
New Features
Custom Javadoc tag definitions now available
New option: You can now choose whether you want an empty statement
inserted into empty braces to make the intension obvious
New option: You can now specify whether if-statements should generally use
continuation indent. This option was added to address the fact that
conventional indentation could make seeing the body difficult (as outlined
in the Sun Java Conventions guide)
New option: Line wrapping can now be performed before or after operators
New option: You can now specify template texts for auto-inserted Javadoc tags.
NetBeans Plug-in added (for NetBeans 3.3.1 and higher)
jEdit Plug-in: updated to work with jEdit 4.0prev1 and higher
JBuilder Plug-in: added the Format and Settings actions to the popup
menu of the editor pane
Ant Plug-in: new parameter style to set the settings file to use
Fixed a bug regarding the wrong printing of parenthesis for certain
rare cases
Correction of mispelled Javadoc standard tags failed if the correct
amount of tags was given for the method/ctor
No space was printed after array elements for arrays that fit in
one line
Printing of trailing comments now works much more reliable
No message was reported in case the user specified an invalid input file
on the command line
Progress dialog didn't show progress for files with an opened editor view
If no arguments were given on the command line, no warning was printed.
Now the usage notes will appear
Fixed a horrible bug in the JBuilder Plug-in which caused wrong class
repository updates if one switched JDKs
Fixed an error in the initialization process of the logging facility for
Plug-ins using the AbstractPlugin skeleton which hindered the updating
of the errors/warnings count in the progress dialog
All Plug-ins now only available as bundles. This will certainly pertain
until a branding mechanism is available to check whether a given Plug-in
will work with a given Jalopy runtime (a la NetBeans?)
Changed/refactored some method signatures in the client API for consistency
and ease of use
The Javadoc parser has been reworked to allow both custom standard and
inline tags
Some API documentation enhancements, updated the build script to only generate
the documentation for the public client API, removed the documentation for the
Plug-ins from the distribution Javadoc
Moved the logic to set the settings file to use, from the command line
interface into Jalopy.java to let Plug-ins easily set the settings file
to use
Updated the used ANTLR version to 2.7.2a2. Compiled with optimizations and
without debugging info results in smaller archive sizes
Many build-script improvements. It should now be possible to build a
Jalopy runtime version without the need of Plug-in related 3rd-party
The Jalopy runtime classes and all needed library classes are now bundled
into one .jar
The customizer mini editor is no longer part of the runtime .jar
New Features
jEdit Plug-in added (for jEdit 3.2.2)
The progress dialog now includes a cancel button
Settings dialog did not close when invoked on the command line
with java Preferences
Error in build script fixed (JavadocTokenTypes.txt now included in
the .jars) to make the Javadoc auto-correction work
Braces indentation not printed for left curly braces
JBuilder Plug-in: Registered directories need to be reparsed on
every startup for the import expansion/collapsing to work reliably
Changed default package depth for packages java, javax, gnu in the
settings (former was 3, now uses 2)
Changed the SwingWorker implementation to the one found in Doug Lea's
util.concurrent package, refactored AbstractPlugin.java
to use an inner class dereived from SwingWorker.java
instead of extending SwingWorker.java itself
Formatting a single file doesn't bring up the progress dialog anymore, but
rather shows the system wait cursor and blocks all input
Removed the Javadoc documentation from the Plug-in distributions
Initial beta version (2002-02-10) | |