-c, --convention=FILE use FILE as code convention file
--disclaimer print software disclaimer
-d, --dest=DIR use DIR as base output directory
-e, --encoding=WORD assume WORD as encoding of input files where WORD
describes one of the JDK supported encodings
(if omitted, the platform default is used)
-f, --format=WORD use WORD as output file format where WORD can be
either UNIX, DOS, MAC, AUTO (the default) or DEFAULT
(all case-insensitive)
--force force formatting even if file up-to-date
-h, --help display this help
--nobackup don't keep backup files
-r, --recursive{=NUM} recurse into directories, up to NUM levels
if NUM is omitted, recurses indefinitely
-t, --thread=NUM use NUM processing threads
-v, --version print product version and exit