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This page generated: December 10 2003

4.5. Messages

Controls the Jalopy message output.

Given the sensitive nature of automatic source code processing, it is quite important to keep informed about what is going on during the formatting process. The default configuration should be sufficient for most users, so there should seldom arise the need to change anything here.

4.5.1. Categories

Jalopy provides different message categories for setting verbosity level. Changing the threshold from ERROR to DEBUG successively displays more (albeit not necessarily more useful) messages.

  • General

    General purpose chain for I/O activity and all sorts of stuff that doesn't fit elsewhere.

  • Parsing

    Message chain for messages related to the Java language parser.

  • Javadoc parsing

    Message chain for messages related to the parsing of Javadoc comments.

  • Transforming

    Message chain for messages related to the post-processing of the generated AST.

  • Printing

    Message chain for the main printing engine.

  • Javadoc Printing

    Message chain for Javadoc printing related messages.

4.5.2. Misc

  • Show stacktrace

    Enables or disables the inclusion of the current execution stack trace with error messages. This proves useful in case you need to file a bug report as it reveals the source of the error.

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